Dave- Be Salon @ Millenia Walk

As you get to know who you are and grow in confidence, you will transform and own your style, hopefully with me, your trusted stylist by your side.

StylistatBe Salon @ Millenia Walk

Be Salon @ Millenia Walk

Millenia Walk

Seeing the confident Dave with his perfectly coiffured hair and beard and perfectly fitting vest, it can be hard to imagine a shy version of him who is quiet, clean shaven and somewhat boyish just a few years ago. But that’s exactly the transformation Dave underwent a few years ago.

Not wanting to upset his mom, Dave has always suppressed his desire for rugged male styles in his early adulthood. It was only after encouragement from customers and friends that he finally embraced his true self – going for a top-to-toe makeover that included even his wardrobe.

Interestingly, this new image made Dave stand out among many hairstylists, making him even more popular with customers than before. Some part of him worried that working professionals would not like this new style… only to find many of his high-profile customers complimenting and encouraging him. Yes, we’re talking about CEOs, Managing Directors and Partners in Law Firms, Energy Companies and Tech startups who became his most fervent ambassadors.

It isn’t just the image change that got their attention of course. Thanks to his training from top hair academies Pivot Point as well as Toni & Guy, Dave doesn’t let any strand of stray hair go unnoticed as he gives a haircut that looks good FROM ALL ANGLES. Male customers talk about how his haircut can last more than 8 weeks and for ladies, months without getting out of shape! Unsurprisingly, his clients stick close to him as he keeps them always looking board-room ready.

As much as we’re in love with his impeccable cut, his ability to tailor highlights according to your face shape have also made him a hot favourite among ladies looking to contour their faces as well.

Beyond skill though, this is one stylist we enjoy spending time with. He doesn’t chat when he sees that you answering emails on your laptop but when he knows you’d enjoy some companionship, Dave will throw in a joke or two and even a dinner recommendation to light up your day.

Overall, a gem of a stylist you’ll want to go with your partner to!


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Haircut, Colour, Perm, Men, Straight, Styling, Treatment

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