Salon Manager
atAct Point Salon @ Midpoint Orchard

Bro Kiek

Bro Kiek
Salon ManageratAct Point Salon @ Midpoint Orchard

Act Point Salon @ Midpoint Orchard

Midpoint Orchard

As his name suggests, Bro is one of those hairstylists you can trust like a brother. He jokes with you when you are feeling chatty, gives you your personal space when you need a little peace and advises you honestly when you require hair advice. With his more than 10 years of experience in this field, he is particularly good with perming and hair colouring (Asian Hair) and has accumulated a loyal customer base!

His honest and genuine personality makes him our go-to stylist for any complicated hairstyle! 


What Deals Are Available

a month left

20% Off Colour with any Hair or Scalp Treatment


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